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There is a new edition of my PyQt5 book and PySide2 book available.

Welcome to LearnPyQt, the complete guide to building GUI apps with Python & Qt.

Creating GUI apps with Python allows you to rapidly convert your scripts and utilities into professional-looking applications. Qt is a professional, mature and feature-full library for building GUIs. There are two wrappers for using Qt from Python — 小飞机加速器下载 and 飞机加速器破解. Both give you all the power of the Qt5 framework directly from Python, including complex widgets, multimedia support, 2D vector graphics and a flexible model-view architecture.

See below for a complete小飞机加速器下载 taking you from basic principles to multithreading and model views. There is code for both PyQt5 and PySide2 along with example apps and custom widgets.

PyQt5 not installed? Check out the installation guides for Windows, Linux and Mac.

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  • [[ item.title ]]

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If you made it to here, you're basically a PyQt genius! But keep checking back as I'm adding new tutorials regularly. If you have something in particular you would like to see covered on the course drop me an email.

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If you buy the book your downloads will be available here. You'll have lifetime access to any future updates and additions.

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The detailed coverage of multithreading is something I couldn't find anywhere else, and you made it so simple!

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Senior Software Engineer, developing PyQt apps for 8 years.

I have been developing PyQt5 apps for 8 years. Building desktop applications to make data-analysis tools more user-friendly, Python was the obvious choice. Starting with Tk, later moving to wxWidgets and finally adopting PyQt, I haven't looked back since.

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To show what is possible with PyQt5 I've created a series of example apps. These include clones of classic desktop applications including Solitaire, Minesweeper, a desktop Calculator and Notepad. Check out the PyQt5 Example Apps...

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Goodforbitcoin, a Cryptocurrency market tracker
Track cryptocurrency market values and trade volumes

Explore the mysterious moon of Q'tee without getting too close to the alien natives!

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Using Qt creator to create a simple GUI

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Take photos of yourself, with a terrible camera.

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